Sunday, 24 August 2014


Okay, today's message was on the power of being changed through serving. The preacher said we don't have to be famous to serve others, we don't need to be rich to serve others, we don't need to have everything going for us and he cited Mark 10 vs 42-45.
This bible verse in summary said to be great you must serve, you must put aside your pride and serve others be it in your own capacity.
You don't have to be in the limelight to serve others, you can even influence others by advising them, by being a reliable and responsible person. They might not be your friend anyways serve them, your reward will show up later.
Humans can be selfish we think of only ourselves, chop alone, me , myself and I.  Oh it is all about me who cares, I don't need to give her any money, I don't need to be kind to her because I know what I went through to get there.
I don't need to share this money, it is all mine
Don't be like this woman in the picture above, you keep hoarding it and one day you see it is all gone.
That is a myopic mentality, we need to shake it off, if not, because of others I don't think we will where we would have been because they chose to serve.
He also mentioned four ways we can serve:
  1. Serve God: Without Him, you wont be alive , He is your all in all
  2. Serve your family: Oh my parents don't treat me well, serve them there are many people who would love to have those parents you are neglecting
  3. Serve the world: Your friends, boss at work, people around you, your co-workers, the community at large.
  4. Serve the church: Join a group in your own little way and contribute
Then when you serve you become great, greatness does not connote riches, fame, wealth, yes they are the side attractions but the greatest of all is the inner peace and happiness within you.
There is this satisfaction you derive when you serve others, you feel fulfilled.
Reach out to that depressed soul, that lost girl, that battered child, be a source of impact to others and good will come to you.
I hope you have been blessed, love you all and have a great week ahead of you.

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