Saturday, 17 May 2014


Your thoughts are very powerful they can shake mountains, they can kindle a fire.
What do you think of everyday of your life? Are you thinking of things that are edifying or depressing.
As a man thinks in his heart so is he and also carefully guard your thoughts for out of it are the issues of life.
Most of the times what happens to us in life whether negative or positive is because of the things we have envisioned in our minds. We might not be cognizant of the fact that our thoughts determine our life pattern in so many ways.
You want a good life have you thought on how you can carve out that good life and the steps to take to make it the way you want it to be.
I know most of the times we tend to be realistic that some things can happen in some certain way but we can break protocol and decide what we really desire for our life to be great because in the long run it still falls back to our thoughts.

I will describe thoughts as tiny drops of water that makes a mighty ocean, the ocean might not form now but later on it will amass a large quantity of water.
Let us use our minds positively to dwell on wonderful thoughts and everything will work out well for us.
You want that career that will make you fulfilled in life then think of the right steps to make it happen, just imagine yourself taking giant strides in building up your career to the perfect taste you want it to be.
You want to have a peaceful married life, envision the way you want your married life to be and everything will fall in place but remember in all these, God is the ultimate source behind those godly thoughts. Put him first and you will be sure everything will work out well.
I leave you with some few quotes:

''Watch your thoughts for they become words.
Watch your words for they become actions.
Watch your actions for they become habits.
Watch your habits for they become your character.
And watch your character for it becomes your destiny.
What we think, we become.
My father always said that... and I think I am fine.'' 
― Margaret Thatcher

''We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking''  
― Santosh Kalwar
Love you all and have a blessed week ahead.


  1. Words! Bosun, Words!! You make so much sense and you are so eloquent.

  2. Wao!!! What a beautiful piece.
    Human race are addicted to dir thoughts & We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking.

  3. thank you guys am so grateful
