Monday, 7 April 2014


Fear means F-False E- Evidence A- Appearing R- Real

 People are afraid of so many things in life which makes them remain within their status-quo. There are many kinds of fear such as fear of the unknown, fear of being hurt, fear of people etc.

When we face tough problems we stay wallowing in the ditch until we take prompt action.
Below are some examples of fear and some possible action cures:

1. Fear of being embarrassed due to personal appearance:  Improve on yourself by carrying out personal grooming, take proper care of your appearance either by buying clothes that you will be comfortable in and make you command respect wherever you go to. As it is popularly said, the way you dress is the way you will be addressed. So, try and make conscious effort in improving on your appearance and have a positive outlook when people approach you.

2. Fear of failing an examination: Convert worry time into study time. Discuss with people who are more knowledgeable than you so they can teach you and tell you the way forward, you will eventually see that fear mentality will be washed away once you convert it into something worthwhile by keeping youself busy doing productive things.

3. Fear of what other people may think of you: Put them in proper perspective. Think positively that they will think good of you because a s a man thinketh in his heart so is he.And remember that the other person is pretty much like you, so you can overcome the fear by replacing that person with yourself thereby thinking positive thoughts.

4. Fear of getting married: Marriage is a good thing and you can conquer this fear by taking a good risk where you weigh only the positive side inspite of the challenges you might face. Just think of you having a partner in which you run a company together and you are making profits, you wont want your partner to fail or the profits of the company to dwindle, so, you take actions in ensuring everything works out well either by praying or looking out for each other.

5. Fear of starting a business: Most people are scared of failing in their business, we cant escape challenges but the actions we take during those challenges is very important. So, to conquer this fear, start now with the little you have stop postponing things. Now is the best time and everything will fall into place.
 Finally, to cure fear and win confidence, always isolate your fear and then take the kind of action that will eradicate your fear.


  1. Fear, no one really has any remedy for it except maybe combat fear with faith. When u r afraid, confront your fears by taking action. After all, what's the worst that can happen? Nice piece boss.

  2. “Fear” is a spirit that is holding so many people to ransom. The only way to overcome is by “resisting” it always. @jungle man
